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Top 3 Reasons to Take your Family on a River Trip

Family adventures like these, river rafting trips down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho - are the family vacations that we'll talk about around the dinner table for years to come. Nothing compares to witnessing your child's smile the first time they catch a fish, or cheering your eldest on as she paddles her first rapid, or holding them all close as you gaze up at the milky way together.

After all the planning, packing, getting ourselves to the river, we push off the beach- and a wave of relief washes over the group. River life has officially begun. Families are able to let go of all the pressure and responsibility of their busy lives at home, and hold on to each other instead. We encourage play & exploration, coupled with a healthy balance of rest and relaxation.

Unwind. Breathe. Smile.

Top 3 Reasons to Add a River Adventure to your Family's’ Summer Travel Plans:

Reason 1: Engaging with the Natural World & Unplugging

Did you know that the average American child spends 4-7 minutes a day in unconstructed play outdoors, and over 7 hours a day in front of a screen? Richard Louv, author of the book Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, tells the story of interviewing a child who told him that he liked playing indoors more than outdoors “cause that’s where all the electrical outlets are”. A trip with Middle Fork Adventures has not a single electrical outlet, and we promise - they won’t be missed. From riding the waves, rowing the rafts, paddling the inflatable kayaks or stand-up paddle boards, hiking the trails, fishing, playing camp games like horseshoes and bocce ball, soaking in the hot springs, story telling, to simply making a personal connection with one of the world's’ most pristine Wild & Scenic Rivers - a trip down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River is sure to impress even the most devout tablet lover!

Reason 2: Family Bonding

A river trip is the perfect opportunity to bring your family closer than ever! If you’re anything like our family, outdoor play sadly, takes a backseat. We spend much of our time in front of a screen, or in the car shuttling between school, work, and extracurriculars; complete with car seat battles & epic grocery store meltdowns. In short, we are always on and constantly connected. If you’re able to subtract all that, and turn the devices off, you are left with each others company. When you find yourselves immersed in river paradise with Middle Fork Adventures, where our “Full Service” trips take all the stress out of vacation, treasured family memories are sure to follow! Don’t miss a moment, let the guides do what they do best so that you can enjoy this special time with your family!

Reason 3: A Better Nights Sleep, Among Other Things

When it comes to our kids, we want them to be happy. We also want them to do their best. A trip into the natural world brings out the best in all of us. Studies show that time spent in the wilderness builds confidence, stimulates creativity & imagination, promotes responsibility, increases the richness of the human experience, creates a unique sense of wonder, and reduces stress and fatigue; all while boosting your Vitamin D intake (which we apparently need, since we’ve become so good at applying sunscreen, who knew?!). Additionally, the best kind of tired happens after a day exploring the river, taking in the sun, and mastering a new skill, such as the stand-up paddle board! The first time our son slept through the night was seriously in a tent, on a river trip (just shy of his first birthday). Hallelujah!

The fact is, screen time doesn’t create memories. There are many reasons to trade in your phone for a pair of binoculars this summer, but I think the bottom line is that we only have so many family trips where we can create lasting memories with the people we love most. Whether you ride the wave trains through a wild & scenic river, take a hike through the backcountry wilderness, or road trip to one of America’s National Parks, we hope you and your family enjoy each moment together!

Happy Adventuring!

References:Cohen, D. (2018) Why Kids Need to Spend Time in Nature. Retrieved from, R. (2012) Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Retrieved from amazon.comRecommended Reading:The Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age by Richard LouvThe Sense of Wonder by Rachel Carson



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